Calling All Artisians for Fall Craft Bazaar Oct. 5th

Start date: September 17, 2019 - End date: October 5, 2019

Calling All Artisians for Fall Craft Bazaar Oct. 5th

Calling All Artisans—Fall Craft Bazaar The Ladies Guild will be holding its annual “Street of Shops” Craft Bazaar on Saturday, October 5th. Parish members work all year to provide hand-crafted goods for sale. The proceeds for this event benefit he Food panty, Brunswick Family Assistance, and other local charities. We are very fortunate to have many talented artisans within our parish. We are asking for donations from those artisans for items for the raffle which takes place during the bazaar. Art works of any genre including paintings, stained glass, sculpture, woodworking, pottery, jewelry, needlecraft, just to name a few are all welcome donations.

Please contact Nancy Flannagan at 910-253-4143 or email if you will be donating. The Craft bazaar workshops are held on Tuesdays @ 9:00 AM in the Social Hall. If you can't come Tuesdays to get crafty with us & want to donate creations you work on from home contact Andrea Morgart 910-253-0457.

For further information or questions, contact Annette Prout at 910 363 4802

Thank you for your generosity.

Ladies’ Guild Labor Day Bake Sale

Start date: September 1, 2018 - End date: September 2, 2018

Ladies’ Guild Labor Day Bake Sale

The SHLG invites all parish families to donate baked goods next weekend on Sept 1st - 2nd. Please bring your items to the Social Hall before Mass. Be sure to stop by and purchase some homemade goodies to take home after Mass!

All proceeds from this bake sale will be used for the Ladies Guild Scholarship Fund for Sacred Heart high school and continuing education students.

Ladies Guild Meeting

Date: April 9, 2018

Ladies Guild Meeting

The Ladies Guild will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, April 9. Join us for 9:30 a.m. for coffee and socializing prior to the meeting at 10:00 a.m. At this meeting, we will be welcoming Dana Armstrong from Community Home Care/Hospice. Dana will focus on how receiving hospice care provides the patient with exceptional, compassionate, and clinically appropriate care according to the wishes and values of the patient and the family.

Please bring a can of food to the meeting to donate.

All the ladies of the parish are invited to attend!

Spring Fashion Show

Start date: April 7, 2018 - End date: April 8, 2018

Spring Fashion Show

For those unable to attend the Ladies Guild Fashion Show, members will be pre-selling raffle basket and 50/50 tickets after Masses on April 7th & 8th.