RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
RCIA stands for “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.” The RCIA, a program of the Catholic Church, is oriented towards those who researching and inquiring about the Catholic way of life. While this program is oriented for adults, after speaking with our priest, we may accept teenagers who are mature enough to participate in the RCIA.
For adults today, the Church, after the Second Vatican Council, has restored the order of the Catechumenate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). It outlines the steps for the formation of catechumens, bringing their conversion to the faith to a greater maturity. It helps them respond more deeply to God’s gracious initiative in their lives and prepares them for union with the Church community. This process is meant to form them into the fullness of the Christian life and to become disciples of Jesus, their teacher.
Taken from the United States Catechism for Adults
For more informaiton contact the parish office: 910-457-6173
The Purpose of the RCIA
- Those who are not associated with a community of faith and who wish to become Catholics
- Those who want to convert to Catholicism from another faith. For them, the RCIA is a process through which they will become full-fledged Catholics
- Those who want to learn about the Catholic faith. For example, these individuals may be involved in interfaith marriages or involved in a Church of different denominations, wanting to learn more about the Catholic faith in the spirit of ecumenism.
The RCIA fills all these needs of those who are searching and inquiring the Catholic faith.
Learn more about RCIA here http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/who-we-teach/rite-of-christian-initiation-of-adults/
Catechesis for Adults
Faith formation does not end with Confirmation!
It is a time for new beginnings and exploring the faith through an adult perspective. There is always something to learn and do to help us grow in relationship with God and others.
Upcoming Ministry & Catechesis Events
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RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children)
RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation of Children) is for children between the Ages of 8 and 14, and who have completed 2nd grade, whether baptized or unbaptized. Children preparing to receive the Sacraments they have missed since Baptism, or to join the Catholic Church through Baptism, will attend RCIC classes on a regular basis beginning in September and continuing through the Easter Season, with holiday breaks. Each family comes into the RCIC program with different needs. The children will be of various ages and have had different levels of previous instruction.
Contact Ryan Kiniry, Director of Faith Development, at the parish office: 910-457-6173
Children will fill out an Intake Questionnaire prior to the first class, which will give me an idea of what they already know or do not know about Jesus, and the Catholic Faith. Taking into consideration the children’s ages and levels of maturity, my goal is to provide a basic understanding of what it means to know and love God, and how to live out their lives within His guidelines. They will learn about what it means to become a Catholic Christian. The RCIC program enables children to enter into a relationship with God and share in the life of their identity as Children of God. The importance of weekly Mass will be stressed and understanding the parts of the Mass and how to use the Holy Bible will be covered early in the curriculum.
The RCIC team not only includes the teacher and the children but the parents, and/ or guardians. Please be sure that your child attends class on a regular basis, reviews his or her class materials at home, learns prayers, becomes familiar with the Bible, and experiences a Catholic environment in the home. If your child misses a class it will be your responsibility to review that material at home so when the child returns to the next class he or she will not be behind. The classes are structured so that each lesson leads to the next lesson. Parent involvement is very important and the class is designed for parent participation encouraging family catechesis.
Every child will need a Sponsor. The sponsor will be someone other than a parent, who will support the child in his or her Catholic Journey. The sponsor must be a Baptized and Confirmed Catholic, who is over the age of 16, and is in good standing with the Catholic Church. The sponsor will fill out a sponsor registration form.
Catechesis for Children
The first catechists in any child’s life are the family members with whom he or she lives. What happens at home – both positive and negative – provides lessons for life. In the family, faith is shared as part of the unfolding of daily life. The home or “domestic church” provides a real place in which a child learns to live his or her faith as well as understanding it.Our goal is to create a program of lifelong faith formation that is centered in and flows out of the events of Church life. It embraces all ages and generation, promotes faith growth at home and promotes participation in Church life.
Contact Kevin Kiniry, Director of Faith Development, at the parish office: 910-457-6173
Our Faith Development program is on Sundays, from 9:30 am – 10:45 am and is for children in preschool through high school.