Offertory Envelopes & Online Giving

The offertory collection is the primary giving opportunity that sustains the life of our parish. It ensures day-to-day operations and the continuation of liturgical, educational and ministerial programs. Parishioners are asked to give back to God in gratitude for the many gifts God has given them through a fitting contribution on a regular basis. We sincerely appreciate your support!

An envelope/member number is assigned to all registered parishioners. Please include it on any checks or guest envelopes, if possible – this helps us know you are still active members of Sacred Heart.

Giving options include: 

OFFERTORY ENVELOPES – mailed bi-monthly to registered parishioners (unless using online giving). Please contact the office to start, change your name(s) or address, or to discontinue your envelopes.

ONLINE GIVING works for many as an easy and efficient way to give.
Sign up or access an account at Sacred Heart Online Giving Link
If needed, call office for help – we are able to reset passwords, pause, resume, or cancel a donation, and update an expiration date. Or contact the OVS help desk at 800-348-2886.

Tax statements are available each year by the end of January. A notice will be posted in the bulletin, with a form to request your statement.

Thank you!