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The Legion of Mary was founded by Servant of God Frank Duff in Dublin, Ireland in 1921. It has since grown to be one of the largest apostolic organizations of lay people in the Catholic Church, with well over 3 million members giving service on a voluntary basis in over 170 countries. The spirituality of the Legion is essentially based on the approach of St. Louis de Montfort as put forward in the spiritual classic “True Devotion to Mary.” The essential aim of the Legion apostolate is the sanctification of its members through prayer, the sacraments, and a total dedication to Christ through the intercession of His Holy Mother.
Active members of the Legion of Mary become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer and service. Based on the Gospel, this service may include but is not limited to visiting the sick and aged in Assisted Living and Nursing Home facilities, pro-life ministries, religious education, parishioner home visitation and participation in public displays of faith- especially those which include and promote praying of the holy rosary. Legionaries are ultimately under the spiritual guidance of the Pastor or his designee.
Membership in the Legion of Mary is open to all baptized practicing Catholics over the age of 18. There are two types of Legion membership- active and auxiliary. Active members attend a weekly meeting centered around the rosary and are also required to perform an assigned weekly service. Auxiliary members support the works of active members through specific prayers attached to the daily recitation of the holy rosary.
For more information please leave your name and contact information at the Church office or email Jane Walker at or Theresa Lominac at