Sacred Heart Respect Life Ministry: Our next quarterly meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 7, at 3:00 pm in the Main Conference. All are invited to attend. New members are always welcome!
MAY 14
MOTHERS’ DAYMay Crowning of the Blessed Mother Statue for the Unborn
(Knights’ Council event)
Link: Respect Life First Friday Holy Hour
Two possible pro-life laws to watch in the North Carolina Legislature
Palliative Care and Hospice
“Death is a decisive moment in the human person’s encounter with God the Savior. Helping the Christian to experience this moment with spiritual assistance is a supreme act of charity. It encompasses the patient with the solid support of human relationships to accompany them and open them to hope… While palliative care cannot entirely eradicate suffering from people’s lives, it provides an authentic expression of human and Christian care—allowing us to ‘remain’ at the side of a suffering person, as the Blessed Mother and the beloved disciple remained at the foot of the Cross.”
USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities “The Witness of the Good Samaritan: Palliative Care and Hospice”
Guide our public officials to defend each and every human life through just laws.
Inspire us all to bring our faith into public life, to speak for those who have no voice.
We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who is Love and Mercy itself. Amen.”
Father Imbaratto’s talk on personhood at the March for Life Wilmington.
Father Imbaratto’s talk on personhood…
Rachel Guy being interviewed by EWTN in 2021 shared by Joe Volpe! She’s amazing!
Rachel Guy Interview…
Your tax dollars could pay for abortions for veterans!
The U.S. Senate will be voting soon on whether to overturn a recent Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) rule that provides taxpayer funded abortions on-demand for veterans, and their spouses and kids. For decades, the law has stopped the VA from providing abortions in its health care benefits packages. Last September, the VA violated this law, as well as long-standing practices preventing taxpayer funding for elective abortion, and issued a regulation to provide such abortions – even in States where they’re now illegal. Further, the rule does not protect the conscience rights of workers who could be forced to participate in abortions. The U.S. Senate will vote soon to overturn the VA’s rule, and your senators need to hear from you. Please tell them to not turn VA hospitals into illegal abortion clinics. Women — especially our heroes in need of care — and their children deserve better.
Messages in your own words can be more effective. Please consider customizing with your own story.
To learn more about how the VA rule has these effects and the USCCB’s response, you may view our original regulatory comment letter to the VA here.
Click the link below to log in and send your message:
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Respect Life Ministry
If you would like to sign the petitions in opposition to Walgreens and CVS stores selling
the chemical abortion pills at their local stores in Southport and surrounding areas,
please sign the petitions at:
Father Thanh and the Parish Council members also sent a letter to the CEOs of these pharmaceutical companies.
MARCH 11-19
St. Joseph Adoption Novena (March 11–19, 2023): Leading up to the Solemnity of St. Joseph on March 20, join us in praying the St. Joseph Adoption Novena St. Joseph Adoption Novena | Respect Life. Invoking the intercession of St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, we will pray the Lord blesses all who travel upon the path of adoption.
THURSDAY, MARCH 23 - 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
University of North Carolina at Pembroke's annual Human Trafficking Conference
The conference is free and open to the public. Please feel free to share this email with your colleagues and anyone else who would be interested in this topic.
Registration is now open at
Human Trafficking Conference Flyer
The Final Judgement
“When the time comes, as it surely will, when we face that awesome moment, the final judgment, I’ve often thought, as Fulton Sheen wrote, that it is a terrible moment of loneliness. You have no advocates, you are there alone standing before God — and a terror will rip your soul like nothing you can imagine. But I really think that those in the pro-life movement will not be alone. I think there’ll be a chorus of voices that have never been heard in this world but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world — and they will plead for everyone who has been in this movement. They will say to God, “Spare him, because he loved us,” — and God will look at you and say not, “Did you succeed?” but “Did you try?” Henry Hyde
- Prayer/Worship
- Rosary for the Unborn every Friday
- Rosary to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary the First Sunday of each month
- America Needs Fatima Rosary Service Sunday in Oct
- Knights of Columbus Stations of the Cross for the Unborn
- Knights of Columbus May Crowning of the Blessed Mother Statue to the Unborn on Mothers’ Day
- Pastoral Care
- Quarterly meeting with Pastor and the Ministry members
- Diaper Drive for Catholic Charities in Aug-Sep
- Baby Item Donation Basket for Brunswick County Charities (Year ’round except during Diaper Drive and Ladies’ Guild Dresser Project
- Advocacy
- Love My Life Youth Rally and March for Life in Raleigh
- 40 Days for Life in Wilmington
- Education and Outreach
- Weekly Pro-Life Info in Parish Bulletin in the “Culture of Life Corner”
- Respect Life Bulletin Board Display
- Coordination with Knights of Columbus Respect Life Initiatives
- Member of Cape Fear Deanery Pro-Life Organization
- Contact Info
- Parish Respect Life Coordinator – Joe Volpe
- 609-744-9823
- Assistant Parish Respect Life Coordinator – Christine Volpe
- 609-744-5162
- Parish Respect Life Coordinator – Joe Volpe
Mission of the Sacred Heart Parish Respect Life Ministry
The Parish Respect Life Ministry is tasked with supporting the objectives of the Diocese of Raleigh Respect Life Initiatives and Programs. Specifically, The objectives of the parish pro-life ministry are to:
- coordinate parish implementation of the annual Respect Life Program, promoting it to agencies and organizations in the parishes, especially schools and religious education programs; and encourage parish discussion groups to use the program as a basis for their discussions
- promote and assist pregnancy counseling and comprehensive maternity support services, as well as post-abortion counseling and reconciliation programs, and make these well known in the parish and local community
- develop or adopt, where feasible, a parish-based ministry to pregnant women and their children
- encourage and support parishioners’ involvement in services to help those who are chronically ill, disabled, or dying and their families
- sponsor programs of prayer in the parish to pray for mothers and their unborn children, for those who are dying, for those who are disabled, for prisoners on death row and those they have harmed, and indeed for all who are in need, that the culture of death that surrounds us may be replaced by a culture of life
- foster awareness of the need to restore legal protection to the lives of unborn children to the maximum degree possible and to safeguard in law the lives of those who are chronically ill, disabled, or dying
- keep parishioners informed of upcoming important legislation; and, at the direction of the diocesan pro-life director, organize letter-writing, postcard campaigns, or similar appropriate activities when important votes are expected
- The Parish Respect Life Ministry should play a vital role in parish life and enjoy the strong support of priests and other key personnel. The committee should also dovetail its efforts from time to time with other programs of the parish. For example, in many parts of the country, parishes conduct programs where parishioners study and discuss the teachings of the faith. Members of the pro-life committee should take part in such programs and invite other program leaders to take part in pro-life initiatives.