2019 Triennial National Collection for the Archdiocese for Military Services

Date: November 10, 2019

2019 Triennial National Collection for the Archdiocese for Military Services

the Archdiocese for the Military Services receives NO funding from the U.S. Government nor the U.S. Military, has no parishes for a weekly in-pew collection, and must rely principally on private donations to fund an annual budget of 8.2 Million.

The AMS is responsible for providing Pastoral Ministry services to those in:

  •  The US Armed Services
  •  U.S. Military Academies
  •  undergoing treatment at any of the 153 dept. of Vetrans Affairs Medical Centers
  •  civilian jobs for the government beyond U.S. borders
  •  Families of these populations

This collection is only collected once every THREE years.  Please be generous.  Second Collection at each Mass November 9th - 10th.  For more information visit https://youtu.be/6K7uYjgI8uk 


Christmas Concert ~ Save the Date ~ December 15th

Date: December 15, 2019

Christmas Concert ~ Save the Date ~ December 15th

Sacred Heart will hold its Christmas Concert on December 15th at 3:00 p.m. Our Choir and Musician will present a Joyful canata: The Song Heard ' Round the World.  Rhythms and melodies will tell the story of Christ's birth with praise and thanksgiving for our Savior! 

Christmas For Children – Last weekend to participate!

Start date: November 16, 2019 - End date: December 8, 2019

Christmas For Children – Last weekend to participate!

We will begin Collecting toys for needy children starting November 16th and 17th, concluding the weekend of December 7th and 8th.  Please bring unwrapped items for children between the ages of one to 16 and drop them in the Commons at the area designated "Christmas for Children".


12-6-2019 - This is the last weekend to bring your gift - Please don't miss out!

Bagged Candy Donation Request

Start date: October 15, 2019 - End date: October 20, 2019

Bagged Candy Donation Request

The Knights of Columbus are asking for donations of bagged candy for the county-wide Fall Festival to be held at the Government Center in Bolivia on October 24th starting at 6:00 p.m. Please leave your donations in the basket in the Commons. Thank you for your support!

WEEK of Sept.16 -20th

Start date: September 16, 2019 - End date: September 20, 2019

WEEK of Sept.16 -20th

NO Masses / NO Confession
(due to Priests' Retreat)
Communion Services will be held in lieu of  MASS, in addition to regular scheduled Communion times.
Regular weekend masses on 9/21-22

Welcome Father Thanh to Sacred Heart

Start date: July 13, 2019 - End date: July 14, 2019

Welcome Father Thanh to Sacred Heart

We welcome our new Pastor, Fr. Thanh, to our Sacred Heart community.   Come meet your new Pastor in the Social Hall following each Mass, July 13-14th.

Installation Mass On Sunday

Date: July 21, 2019

Installation Mass On Sunday

On July 21st, Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama will come to Sacred Heart Church for Fr. Thanh’s installation as our Pastor. The Bishop will preside with Fr. Thanh to celebrate the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Following the Mass, the Bishop will greet the parishioners at a reception in the Social Hall.

Adopt A Backpack sponsered by the Social Justice Committee

Start date: July 1, 2019 - End date: August 18, 2019

Adopt A Backpack sponsered by the Social Justice Committee

Adopt a Backpack program time is here! Please click on this event link to see further details! Backpacks & lists of items needed will be available after masses the weekend of July 27- 28, 2019. All stuffed backpacks must be returned to the church by August 18, 2019. Sponsored by the Social Justice Committee.

Each year Matthew’s Ministry provides weekend food for children in Brunswick County who are
classified as “food insecure”.

During the school year backpacks go home filled with food every Friday
and are returned empty every Monday to be filled again. Matthew’s Ministry provides weekly food to
over 500 children at 16 area schools.
Matthew’s Ministry will need backpacks filled with food to start the program again in the fall. There are
two ways that you can help fill this need:

Option 1: Pick up an empty backpack from Sacred Heart (there are 150 empty backpacks that are ready
to be filled).
Option 2: Purchase a backpack and fill it with the food items (listed below) and return your filled
backpack to Sacred Heart.

All filled backpacks will need to be returned to Sacred Heart by Sunday, August 18.
- individual packets of oatmeal
-one chef boy r dee item
-one can of a fruit or vegetable
-one jar of peanut butter (plastic only)
-one package of macaroni and cheese
-one pound package of pasta (pot size pasta preferred)
-one can of pasta sauce (cans only)
-one can of soup
-one package of ramen noodles
-one can of tuna , chicken or Vienna sausage
- one small package of rice

If you have any questions feel free to contact Shirley McHale at shirleyanmchale@icloud.com.

Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament

Date: September 11, 2019

Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament

The Sacred Heart Council 12537 will hold its 2019 Annual Knights Gold Tournament at the Carolina National Golf course in Bolivia, NC on Wednesday, September 11th. This is a Flighted Scramble that includes golf and cart, breakfast, lunch, range balls, Hole in One cash prize, 50/50 raffle, and prizes for each Flight winner. This year we will pay tribute to the 9/11 victims, their First Responders, as well as our members of the U. S. Armed Forces. This tribute will include a “Fly Over” by the Civic Air Patrol and the colors will be presented by their Cadet Color Guard. The cost is $85 a person. All net proceeds will go to local Brunswick County charities. So come one out to play, have fun, and contribute to supporting charities serving Brunswick County residents. Email Bill Sample at wdsample@gmail.com or Tom McAndrews at tmcandre1@msn.com for registration information or additional details.

Sacred Heart Ladies Guild Food Pantry Bake Sale

Start date: November 9, 2019 - End date: November 10, 2019

Sacred Heart Ladies Guild Food Pantry Bake Sale

The SH Ladies Guild invites all parish families to donate baked goods on November 9th and 10th.  Please bring your items to the Gathering Place before Mass.  After Mass purchase something yummy to bring home, whether you could donate or not.  ALL proceeds from this sale will be used to benefit the Food Pantry in Boiling Springs Lakes.